So, you’ve booked your session and picked out your location. But this looming question is floating around in your head—"What are we going to wear?”. This is one of the most asked questions before a session. And with good reason! You want to feel like yourself AND you want your timeless photos to turn out beautiful. So, what DO you wear? 

Here are some tips I’ve learned along the way and some inspiration from previous sessions to help you show up confidently to your session. 

Tip 1: Pinterest and Instagram

There is nothing wrong with getting a little inspiration from another source! In fact, that’s what you’re doing here on my blog! Chances are if you like what you see in a particular family photo, you are probably drawn to the particular color scheme, the textures, and the patterns in the photos that you like. As you look, keep in mind your own personal style, the location of their session versus your session, and what color scheme you’d like in your living room for when you print your photos. Then make a mental note of what you like about the clothes. Is the mom wearing a flowing long dress? Is the dad wearing a casual henley t-shirt? How do the kids coordinate with their parents? Pinterest and Instagram can definitely help you hone in on your style and what you like…just be careful not to compare yourself to these sessions! You will bring your own personality and style into your own photos!

Tip 2: Coordinating not Matching 

It’s easy to confuse coordination with matching. Chances are, when you find a session you admire on social media, you are looking at a color template that coordinates with each other instead of matching completely. For example, the mom (this is who I suggest you pick an outfit for first) might be wearing a rust colored dress while her little girl might be wearing sweet little flowers on her dress that compliment her mother’s dress. Or dad could be wearing a very neutral color so as not to overpower any bolder colors anyone else is wearing. Think about adding patterns for one or two people in the family and then having solid colors that look good with these patterns. Patterns are details like stripes, polka dots, or little flowers and designs.

Tip 3: Location and Color Scheme  

Along with coordinating your outfits, it’s also important to think about the location where your session will take place. Specifically for our session together here in the DFW area, it is likely you will have your session either in a field, at the lake, surrounded by trees, or in a downtown area. Keep in mind the time of year and colors that look good with the scenery around you. For example, deep colors like deep red, rust color, or deep purple are beautiful for golden hour field sessions. Blues and neutrals tend to look nice among the trees. Honestly, the color you choose impacts the editing and the overall look of the photos, so ask your photographer what colors would look best with the style they are editing with. So, with my editing style, neutral colors or deep tones look really nice. Pinks and blues are very nice as well with the backgrounds we tend to use. But, I’d also like to add that these are your photos, so don’t sweat it too much. Put in as little or as much effort as is comfortable to you!!! That’s how I see it at least. 

Tip 4: Textures and Layers and Details 

Details really make a difference in photos. Wear your favorite necklace and earrings or use the ones that you rarely wear but feel beautiful in. Look at the textures of the clothing you’re selecting, like muslin, linen, lace and silk are all beautiful options and photograph well. One of my favorite details are stripes or polka dots that are sewn on instead of printed on. Little details like this can be beautiful. Find a dress that has a tie in the back for you or your girls, or a cute jacket for your men, big and little. Think about the shoes as well or decide if you’d rather go barefoot. I love a good brown leather shoe or sandals for photos. Layer on a sheer kimono or chunky cardigan to add depth. Hats are fun to incorporate as well. Think about these details as you style your outfits. 

Tip 5: Be Yourself

Yep, that’s right. You want to be comfortable and you want to be yourself for your photos. Make sure you like what you’re wearing and feel comfortable in it. This goes for your family as well. It’s also important to note that you don’t have to be super fancy for photos or even super trendy. Your husband can wear a henley shirt or even a solid T shirt and it will tend to look better than a starchy plaid polo shirt. UNLESS, he’s more comfortable in that starchy polo shirt—don’t sweat it. These photos are ultimately about you and your family and capturing your authentic connection with each other. 

Tip 6: A Few Things to Avoid

While we’ve mainly focused on what to do, here are a few things to avoid in your pictures! Wearing matching black and white is not typically flattering for the family. Try colors that contrast. Like, if you want your husband to wear black and blue jeans, then you can wear something lighter like mauve pink or sage green. If you want your daughters to wear white, then find a more neutral color or a color that pops for the rest of the family. Black and white together tend to wash out instead of stand out. However, you also want to avoid neon in pictures unless you’re trying to achieve a specific look. Neon definitely stands out, and not always in a good way in your pictures. Neon tends to overpower the picture and makes it less about you. Stay away from logos and characters as well. 

While these tips are helpful as you consider what to wear for your session, just know that these pictures are about you and are about your authentic connections with your family. So, try not to stress about it too much. You want to be comfortable, confident, and ultimately, you want to be yourself! Because once these photographs are passed down that is what you will want remembered.